Thursday, 15 September 2011

The mysterious "Devil's Kettle" waterfalls

The Devil's Kettle falls in Minnesota on the north shore of Lake Superior.
A brief view of the falls;spot some activity at some point down there.
View more to find out what the mystery is...

Technically its not a normal waterfall,but an interesting one.
It runs into a pothole (Devil's Kettle) and never comes out.
People have dropped all kinds of things (activity in the snaps) and they have never re-surfaced.

It is believed that the water makes its way out to Lake Superior by means of underground passages, but the exact details are unknown.
This is even more interesting to me since I wonder;what is stopping the inventors,explorers and discoverers of everything from finding out what on earth is going on there!!!
In other thoughts;If you have ever worried about falling over a waterfall, imagine falling into the Devil's Kettle :-)